Please take time to read the following pages thoroughly. The terms and conditions detailedinthisdocumentrepresentthekeyelementsofourbookingagreement.Wetake our responsibilities very seriously and, in that regard, we must be very clear with our clients about the frame work within which we operate.Your cooperationis highly needed, as it will help us provide and maintain the highest standards of care.
Your acceptance of our terms is initiated at the registration stage. Whilst this agreement naturally haslegal implications,we always act with fairness and consider specificcircumstancesbeforemakingdecisions.Thesuccessofourstudentat Apex Education Services(AES) is dependent on cooperation between the Centre and our parents/guardians.
Online Sessions Explained
Our online tutoring sessions are available on live video where students will have the opportunity to interact with their tutor, ask questions and get feed back immediately from their tutor. We also use individualised educational programme (IEP) for each of our student. That means we are able to teach different students of different year groups during the same session. This is the method we adopt offline at our Centre which had proven to be successful over the years of operations. We have tested the method during COVID-19 locked down in 2020 and 2021and it tremendously benefited our users. Feedback after covid-19 lock down suggests that all our clients wanted us to continue with the online tuition. It was initially suspended, but we are pleased to bring it back with even more innovation.
Sessions are available in different forms:
1. 1:1session is charged at £35/hour
2. 1:2 session is charged at £28/hour
3. 1:6 session is charged at £20/hour
4. 1:10 session is charged at £15/hour
Upon completion of registration,we will ensure the tutor meets the students for about half an hour to interact with them, assess the student and make a plan before the scheduled first session.
• We do not take deposit payments.
• Minimum of 4-week payment will be taken in advance at the point of registration.
• All subsequent payments will be by direct debit and it will be take non first of every month.
• Missedsessionswillberearrangedonlyifminimum of 24- hour notice is given.
• Missed sessions will be forfeited to AES if notice was not given and sessions will not be rearranged.
• Rearranged session has to be done within a month as it cannot go beyond 4 weeks.
• Anyfaileddirectdebitpaymentwillattracta £10 charge.
• AESreservestherighttowithdrawachildwherepaymentoffeesfallsintoarrears.Regularlatepaymentoffeeswillbe interpreted as a breach of terms and conditions
• A month’s noticeisrequiredif a childis tobewithdrawnor if an outright contract termination is requested.
• A month’s payment will be charged if a customer fails to give a month’s notice.
If a student is late, the tutor is not responsible to make up the time that was lost, but only proceed with the minutes that are left in the scheduled session. The full fee will still be charged to your account.
If a student must leave a tutoring session due to illness or injury, the session will be rescheduled at no extra charge. Attempts will be made to reschedule within one month’s time.
Tutor will contact adult student/parent/legal guardian ASAP. Attempts will be made to make up tutoring session(s) missed within one month’s time.
This tutoring contract may be terminated by either party at any time by giving the other party 30 days prior written notice either by mail or email, during which time the tutor agrees to work the prior agreed upon schedule and the parents agree to pay the tutor according to such schedule.
Should collection efforts become necessary, the signer of this Agreement will be responsible for court costs, legal fees, the outstanding amount owed to AES plus an additional £250 fee to compensate for the time and resources spent pursuing collections efforts, plus 25% of the total amount owed will be added to the debt to be paid to the collection’s agent.
By submitting the online registration form you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of APEX EDUCATION SERVICES LIMITED online tuition agreement.
Law and Jurisdiction
These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and interpreted according to the law of England and Wales and all disputes arising under the Terms and Conditions (including non-contractual disputes or claims) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English and Welsh courts.